I took 'being productive' to mean getting your hands moving all hours of the day. So I did pretty much everything I could get my hands on. There was beading, sort of baking, and updating web portals. And now, I have pretty sparkly bracelets (to be given away to friends, or maybe sold over multiply, if I get to upload my stuff), a big batch of really goooood polvoron (and no, this isn't just me, I've got references!), pastillas which never got wrapped (ten orange-clad pstillas after, Mum and me decided we'd just scoop it out of the tupperware with spoon), and 8 less albums from my multiply backlog.
Today is show and tell :D
About a few weeks ago, my Mum took out my beading kit. I got into beading first when I was around 7. It was my parent's way of appeasing me for not having anything to do over the grade school 2-month summer, which was too loooong for a 7-year old. Back then, I only had 2 bags of pink beads and I could only do 1-strand, crappy looking bracelets. About 10 unusable bracelets later, I quit and forgot about the beads. I seriously got into it again sometime when I was 11 and then when I was 17. And then a few weeks ago. I like it better now because we got 2 pliers, those really complicated metal thingums you find in accessories you buy, and pretty beads -- feels like the real thing! :P
These are shots I took of the bracelets. Using the trusty 3-year old Canon, my college spring purple notebook, and the white light over the dining table. From left to right (1) Purple and white 6-strand glass bead bracelet, (2) Green and blue bead bracelet from old stray bracelets I found in my Mum's closet, (3) and the Clear and purple glass bead bracelet. The purple triangular beads came from some old necklace we never got around to using. Scouring the house for old trinkets never made me this happy. I feel like I want to cut them all loose and make new ones out of the pretty beads :) I'm really liking this new hobby.
And then there was this webbie Mum found with all these really simple recipes. I took that to mean -- the time has come for me to make cookies and cream polvoron! :)
Good stuff :) I'm really proud of this batch. And, look at that pretty orange wrap. This batch took so much of me -- more than an hour to wrap all 60, frayed patience, and more ingenuity than I expected. But look at those! *beams like a proud mum* Btw, they're really good!
Til the next batch of bracelets and sweets! :)