A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my work Macbook crashing in the middle of watching Blind Side. So I brought it to the Apple doctor and was told my hard drive was broken. We had the hard drive replaced and told to bring the old hard drive to a data extraction specialist.
For the past 2 weeks, I have not given up hope that my files would be retrieved because I was told these guys are really good. I bring my personal laptop to work and I haven't fully started rebuilding my old work files, because I know I will get my files back. Just thinking about how much rebuilding I have to do makes me really weak in the knees. So, I push it out of my head every time the thought comes in.
Surprise, surprise. I received an email today from the data extraction specialists.

So that's how it feels to have your heart sink to your stomach. I wanted to cry. I cannot even begin to think how much work files I lost, much more bring myself to think about how to rebuild all the lost files. This is incredulous. I still cannot wrap my head around the news.
All my work files. Gone. All my presentations. All the photos of our previous events. All the soft copy labels. All the data I extracted from the program. All the creative work for the brand. I can't believe one technology glitch can devastate this much. Today is a sad day for technology. Gah.
Oh well. What can I do. No amount of sulking will start typing up excel sheets for me, or redoing powerpoint slides. Or heck, even retrieving lost files, if at all. I don't think I have any choice but to live with it. And well, start rebuilding my database.
I don't think it can be said enough the importance of backing up files. Never take no for an answer from a stubborn external hard drive. Keep trying until the frickin thing backs your files up. I leave you with this.
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