Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some things you don't know you want until...

"Tom, when we are in line at the convenience store can I put my hands in your
backpockets and my lips and nose in your baseball shirt and feel the crook
of your shoulder blade?"

There's something about this line. It's so raw and real. Damnit, I want this :P


I hate it when Tin writes stuff in her blog/ FB notes. It's always ALWAYS good. This one's by Carolyn Creedon in The Best of the Best American Poetry (Harold Bloom, Ed.) Yeah, now I found something to pine for. Hay. It's so raw, it feels like my own thought. I have this warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy reading about it. Hay. Had no idea what I was missing until Carolyn Creedon. Dear Carolyn, do you have to be sucha badass writer?

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